Discrimination pre-settlement funding

Equal lawsuit funding for discriminated plaintiffs.

If you have an active discrimination lawsuit, we can help. Get the discrimination lawsuit loan you need and get paid in as little as tomorrow.


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discrimination lawsuit loans

Discrimination pre-settlement funding.​

Discrimination is defined as the prejudicial or unjust treatment of an individual based on race, gender, age, or sexual preference. Discrimination can be genuinely damaging to those who have to endure it.  If you have an active lawsuit and were terminated from your job, refused a particular service, or treated unfairly in your place of employment because of your race, age, gender, or sexual preference, you may qualify for a discrimination lawsuit loan. Discrimination lawsuits can take some time to settle successfully; often, the financial and emotional burden of being involved in a case deter victims of discrimination from pursuing the compensation they are owed, settling for less than they should get. Those who do have valid claims may end up feeling pressured to settle early or take a reduced settlement amount due to the financial pressure from losing their job in the first place. Fortunately, discrimination victims with active lawsuits are not alone, and pre-settlement funding is available when no other option is a choice.


How Baker Street Funding helps.

At Baker Street Funding, one of our expertise in services is discrimination lawsuits. Many companies tell you they fund discrimination claims, but when you come to see, your case has been denied because most focus on personal injury cases. Discrimination lawsuits loans are available with our company. We take this risk because we know your discrimination claim is important, bills are piling up, and life is becoming hectic; we know you need the funds as soon as humanly possible. We understand the defendant may take longer to settle your discrimination case; therefore, we are here to provide you with the discrimination lawsuit funding service custom made for your needs and budget. We will ask you simple questions about your case and qualify you in minutes. 

Twenty-four hours after your lawyer send us your case file, we can have you funded. Your attorney must speak to us; only then is when we can proceed with your case. No attorney co-operation means no funding. You don’t have to settle for less than you deserve. Call or apply with Baker Street Funding, and let’s get you in a better position.

Get the discrimination lawsuit loan offer you need.​

To get the discrimination lawsuit funding you need, contact us today to get a no-risk-free case evaluation. Discrimination lawsuits can be expensive and typically take a long time to reach a final settlement. Our consultants at Baker Street Funding can help you get the money you need today.  We will help you get the funds you need today so you do not have to settle your discrimination lawsuit tomorrow for less than you deserve.

The discrimination lawsuit loan process.

The loan or the advance amount that a client can qualify for is based on the “current” estimated potential settlement value of your case.

Lawsuit funding step 1


Contact our office, and we’ll ask you specific questions regarding your case, including your attorney's name and contact information.

Lawsuit funding step 2


We will then ask your attorney for a copy of your file for further review. Your case records are copies of the police report, medical documentation(s), and correspondence with insurance companies.

Lawsuit funding step 3


We will then qualify your discrimination lawsuit loan request within 24 hours upon met requisites. Once your case gets approval, you and your attorney will receive a funding contract to dually execute.

Lawsuit funding step 4


We will send you the funds immediately after you and your lawyer dually complete the funding agreement directly into your bank account or an overnighted certified check.

Easily qualify for a discrimination lawsuit loan.

At Baker Street Funding we will guide you through your discrimination settlement loan process from the moment you call, no questions go unanswered. Within minutes of speaking to you, one of our finance experts will tell you if your case qualifies for discrimination lawsuit funding or not. Discrimination lawsuits can take a toll on your personal and work life but remember you are NOT ALONE in this ride. You can easily qualify for discrimination lawsuit settlement funding today.

Apply for a discrimination pre-settlement loan.

Apply online in a matter of seconds! and if you are approved, the money will be deposited in your account in a lump sum or monthly payments, however works best for you.

Some discriminated plaintiffs who received lawsuit loans are reviewing us.

Acquiring a discrimination lawsuit loan through Baker Street Funding was the best that could happen to us. We are so happy with the loan and want to say thank you, we were able to wait for a big settlement.

rates stars

All I gotta say is they went all the way to help me. We are grateful for my work discrimination lawsuit loan for my discriminition case, don’t look further, they will get you the advance.

rates stars

I used Baker Street Funding to help me obtain the funds I needed to launch my new business outside of the house after getting fired. They exceeded whatever expectations I had for discrimination funding and I am so pleased.

rates stars

See some of our funding products.

Discrimination lawsuits, facts, and statistics. 

Discrimination can occur anywhere, in the workplace, at a hospital, or even at a corner bakery. Listed below are some other common places where discrimination can occur: 

  • Employment discrimination 
  • Education
  • Housing 
  • Government employment and services
  • Health care services 
  • Land use/zoning 
  • Lending and credit 
  • Public accommodations
  • Stores
  • Transportation 
  • Voting

In 2018, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission released 76,418 charges in discrimination were filed, resulting in $505 million for victims in the private sector, state and local government, and federal workplaces.

Retaliation was the most frequently filed charge with the agency, followed by race and disability. 

  • Retaliation – 39,469
  • Sex: 24,655
  • Disability: 24,605
  • Race-based: 24,600
  • Age based: 16,911 
  • National Origin: 7,106 
  • Color: 3,166
  • Religion based: 2,859

Not all types of discrimination are prohibited by law, and there are some forms of unequal treatment that are perfectly legal. When filing a lawsuit for discrimination, it is imperative to understand the difference between the two. For instance, if a pet owner fills out an application to sign a lease, but the landlord refuses the application because they don’t want pets in the building, then that isn’t a case of discrimination. There are some laws that hope to ensure discrimination doesn’t occur. Known as anti-discrimination laws, these laws prohibit businesses, employers, and other services from turning away individuals based on race, gender, religion, sexual preference, or age. When someone is maltreated due to any of these reasons, a victim can file a discrimination lawsuit against the guilty party for suitable compensation for the damages endured. 

Call us now and speak to one of our experts; if you have a current discrimination lawsuit and are represented by a lawyer, you automatically quality.

Most legal funding companies who fund civil rights claims determine a discrimination case’s value by the following criteria:

  • The type and severity of the injuries.
  • Medical expenses and rehabilitation needed.
  • A portion of economic losses (includes loss of income, and loss of future wages).
  • Application of punitive damages (punitive damages are intended to punish an at-fault party and to deter them from taking further harmful or reckless action).
  • The degree of fault attributed to the defendant.
  • The insurance policy coverage limits for the defendant.

Those who have been discriminated against and begin seeking legal action, often ask a wide range of questions regarding discrimination lawsuit loans and settlement advances. Listed below are some of the more frequently reoccurring questions we receive:

“Can I get a lawsuit loan for my discrimination lawsuit?”

“Where do I get a lawsuit loan for my discrimination lawsuit?”

“How can I receive a cash advance on my discrimination case?”

There are many factors that can determine the amount of your loan or advance, and it is in your best interest to reach out to one of our consultants at (888) 711-3599 to discuss your case in detail.

Get discrimination lawsuit funding today.

It takes 2 minutes to apply.